National and European Labels

In eTwinning, your work is important and deserves to be shared and recognised locally, nationally and Europe-wide. eTwinning recognises the work carried out by teachers, students, and schools through National and European Quality Labels. Here are the names of the labels granted to the projects in eTwinning.

Etwinning Label:

This label is granted to all the projects when your project registration approved by your NSS.

eTwinning Quality Label:

If you run a successful project and you think it is worth of a quality label, you need to register for it to your NSS. After the evaluation, your project can receive eTwinning Quality Label. Teachers and students are given different labels:

Teachers’ Label:

Students’ Label:


  • Your eTwinning project must have common goals and a shared plan.
  • Your etwinning project must be finished or is in its last stages.
  •  You and your students must have a significant contribution to to all the project’s activities.
  •  You and your partners must organise collaborative activities.
  •  You must take into consideration the eSafety and copyright issues.
    If your project meets 5 requirements, you can apply for a National Quality Label


Your projects will be evaluated in terms of 5 criteria:

  • Pedagogical innovation
  • Curricular integration
  • Collaboration between partner schools
  • Use of technology
  • Results, impact and documentation

A National Quality Label is awarded to teachers with excellent eTwinning projects and indicate that the project has reached a certain level of quality in their country.

European Quality Label: 

The European Quality Label is a second mark of success and indicates that the project has reached a certain European standard. No registration needed.