Planning has got a significant role in any kind of the project. It enables better coordination among partner schools, helps in decision making and improves the efficiency of the project work.
During this course, we will explore how to find the inspiration for your new projects and where and how to find ‘perfect’ project partners. We will also discuss all the planning stages like: setting project goals, planning project activities and outcomes, using the web 2.0 tool and evaluation of your and your students work. At the end, we will learn how to apply for a new project in e-Twinning Live platform.
Bu kurs yakın gelecekte eğitim ve öğretim alanında kullanıyor olacak Teknoloji entegreli yöntem, metot ve digital uygulamalar hakkında sizleri bilgilendirmek, ilham vermek ve geleceğin eğitim anlayışındaki yenilikleri ve teknolojik trendleri ve uygulamaları hakkında bir farkındalık oluşturmak amacı ile eTwinning Ulusal Destek Servisi Üyesi ve İçerik Geliştirme Ekibi Sorumlusu Ertan Kocabaş Koordinatörlüğünde oluşturulmuştur.
Bu Kursun İçeriği: STEAM Eğitimi Ön Anket STEAM Eğitim Yaklaşımı Nedir? STEAM Eğitim Yaklaşımı Neden Önem Kazandı? Bir STEAM Eğitimi Nasıl Planlanmalı STEAM Eğitimi Ders Planı Hazırlama STEAM Eğitimi Örnekleri STEAM Eğitimi Son Anket Kaynakça Kurs Öğretmeni Yıldız KANLIÖZ Yenişehir Belediyesi Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi – Sınıf Öğretmeni 2009 yılından bu yana […]
Coding Education is the subject which is becoming more and more important. It is claimed that this education should be given especially from the early age. website that aims to teach coding by game is a platform which addresses large masses because of having courses for all ages and levels, translated into 46 languages and […]
In this course, you will learn how to use 2.0 web tools effectively through eTwinning projects with unique problem-based scenarios that will help you understand how to choose the best Web 2.0 tool for your needs. You’ll take place in a robust exchange of practical ideas while participating in online discussion on Facebook, sharing your experiences, and learning from fellow […]
In mobile applications online course you can reach the lesson plan examples of some applications, presentations and videos for the teachers who are new in using mobile applications in class. Apart from these applications, you will be in a learning and sharing medium with your colleagues. It includes useful applications for 21st century teachers and students […]
IF THERE IS A PROBLEM,THEN WE HAVE THE SOLUTION Students are uninterested in the lessons, they copy out the information on the internet,they can not internalize the knowledge, when the students are absent, they miss the subjects that are taught on that day, fast learners get bored with the slow teaching-learning process, slow learners lose […]
Nowadays “Digital Games” are one of the most popular tools that are used in classrooms all around the world. In this course the aim is to give some new ideas about how to use digital games in classrooms.
This course is designed to help teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. CLIL is an abbreviation for Content and Language Integrated Learning. It is a way of teaching where subject content for example,history,science or maths taught in another language. In this course you will learn ; *What is CLIL? *What are […]
Project Documentation – How to present project activities and outcomes in Twinspace. This course was inspired by my e-Twinning partners who worked very hard on project activities, but sometimes didn’t really know what to do with the materials they gathered. I often was getting emails asking for help. [su_quote]I don’t know how to upload my […]
No matter what subject you teach, eTwinning projects are increasingly relevant in all areas of life so we need to know how to integrate them into our teaching. The course will introduce key integrating concepts and resources relevant to integrating projects into curriculum. The course will have a very practical focus, exploring specific activities to run at school. […]
Augment reality is a new technology that has great potential in the classroom. Applications provide opportunities to enrich the actual physical environment with digital environment tools such as audio, image, video, etc. And this makes AR technology a useful training tool for educators. This course consists of four main chapters containing what augmented reality is […]
eTwinning gives freedom to create educational projects with the pedagogical use of ict technologies so that participant schools can open their doors to Europe. Collaborative school activities also promotes digital activities in all age groups. This course presents some example activities and web tools which you can adjust to your own projects no matter which […]
eTwinning offers Professional development opportunities at European level for all members of the community. From experienced eTwinners to new members everyone has the opportunity to progress professionally in eTwinning. This course has been organised and hosted by İlker Karadağ
WHICH TOPICS THIS COURSE COVER? As a teacher, what can you do to improve your students’ listening skills in English? What are the requirements of different age-group learners? What is listening and why should we try to improve listening skills? What are some of the strategies that we can use in improving listening skills? How […]
The core aim of this course is to introduce Microsoft Educational tools through tutorials and suggest ideas about how to use them in eTwinning projects in a creative way. The course also focuses on how to engage students using technology in and out of the classsrom and to bring students much closer to 21st century […]
We all want our projects to be awarded with quality labels. What is the reason why some of projects can get these labels while others can not? If you want to carry out quality projects in eTwinning, you need to know what the qualitiy label criteria.
Description This course will cover the scope of creative writing activities and how creative writing work with web 2.0 tools will be addressed.
In this course, you’ll learn the basics of gamification and how this powerful new design trend will affect your classroom from a practical, semi-academic perspective. This introductory course requires no prerequisites. By taking this course you will; Understand the basics of gamification Learn how engagement science will transform your classroom Begin to form a vision […]
In this course, participants will have conceptual knowledge about project-based learning (PBL) and learn the steps to apply in project planning, implementation and evaluation processes, and methods and tools that can be used to manage them. The duration of the course is 3 hours, with video lectures, quizzes and additional work.
The Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms course introduces teachers to the Microsoft Translator and Office Lens tools. This course is designed to help educators leverage these apps to meet the needs of diverse learners in the classroom. An inclusive classroom is a general education classroom in which students with and without disabilities learn together. It is […]
This training is designed to help teachers who want to improve their eTwinning project quality. The training includes information and tips on key strategies in project planning, implementation and evaluation stages in order to improve project quality in the way of eTwinning Europe Awards. Ünsal SAPER eTwinning Trainer
The SAMR model is one of the methods, which is used to integrate technology into educational environments. The model is developed by American school researcher, Dr. Ruben R. Puentedura. This model of Puentedura is deemed necessary for teachers to identify the tools they can use to innovate their lessons. This course contains several resources about […]
Teachers can provide direct coding training with codable robots or integrate these robots into their curriculum through coding. In this course, it is aimed to inspire teachers from various branches by providing information and application examples about the integration of codable robots into various disciplines.
This learning activity deals with the high level technological developments in the field of industry in the world that has been going through a great change and transformation under the 4th Industrial Revolution and offers a brief look at the historical process of the developments and the relationship between education. This course was prepared by […]
Education Overview This training is prepared for teachers who have just started eTwinning projects. The training includes the introduction and use of collaborative web tools. With this course you will learn about collaborative web tools and learn how to use them in your eTwinning projects. This course is designed to be completed in approximately 3 […]
BBC micro:bit, yazılım ve donanımın birlikte nasıl çalıştığını tanımanızı sağlayan cep boyutunda bir bilgisayardır. LED ışıklı ekranı, butonları, sensörleri bulunan, programlayabileceğiniz ve fiziksel olarak etkileşime girebileceğiniz birçok giriş/çıkış özelliğine sahiptir. Bu kursta micro:bit kartın genel kullanımı ile farklı proje örneklerine yer verilerek, hem kart üzerinde bulunan sensörlerin kullanımı, hem de harici bileşenler eklenerek devre kurulumu ve kodları […]
Yapay zeka alanındaki kaydedilen ilerlemeler müzik ve resim alanında da büyük değişikliklere yol açmıştır. Bu kursumuzda yapay zeka aracılığıyla her yerde kullanabileceğimiz telifsiz müzik parçaları ile resimler oluşturacağımız gibi hiçbir müzik eğitimi almadığımız halde yapay zeka yardımıyla herhangi bir sanatçı gibi şarkı , türkü söyleyebilecek yada istediğimiz bir ünlü kişiye seslendirme yapabileceğiz.
As the flaky snow was falling outside, all the students in the classroom sat in their seats, quietly listening to their teacher, Mrs. Green. In this heartwarming reading activity, many things were not what they looked at from the outside. One of the children was madly curious about the pictures in the book the teacher […]
There are numerous ways to discuss and use media literacy in the classroom, ranging from websites to extensions to games. From single lessons to longer units, I usually begin with a game that serves as a starting point into the inquiry. Using games in the classroom provides rich simulations for students to learn content and […]