Module 5-Education 4.0



We can summarize the fundamentals that will shape the Education 4.0 understanding, which corresponds to the Industry 4.0 concept expressesing the use of high technologies;

1- Personalized flexible training that the individual can learn at his or her own learning speed, regardless of time and space.

2- Teachers who act as student mentors should have a modular and project based education approach rather than theoretical knowledge.

Considering these fundamentals, we can examine Education 4.0 in the following subheadings:

1- Lifelong Learning: Education, starting from preschool, will be transformed into a structure that is planned, designed and implemented in an integrated and interactive structure with a wide perspective that will continue throughout the life, including business life.

2- Education Everywhere and Anytime: Individuals will be raised in a training system where different tools supported by data  mining, independent of space and time, can receive theoretical information outside the school and practical information through face-to-face training according to their own realization.

3- Personalized Education: Individuals will be able to receive personalized trainings with educational content enriched according to their own learning speed through adaptive education systems in line with their own abilities.Thus, instead of positioning students according to the system, the system will be shaped according to the students’ abilities.

4- Visualized Instruction: In the light of the new technological developments, especially the internet-based and interactive enriched educational contents, virtual and augmented reality supported instructional designs and teaching processes will be designed. Teaching processes supported by current and realistic teaching materials will emerge where students are more effective in preparing course contents.

5- Practice and Skill Oriented: Students need to be trained with a project-based learning approach in order to prepare them for independent work in future free economic environments. In this respect,education processes should be designed to enable students to realize their potential and develop the skills required by the age. In other words, skills will come to the fore in the teaching process instead of knowledge.

6- Student Coaching: In this personalized teaching process where access to information is facilitated in the light of technological developments, coaching skills will come to the forefront, not teaching.

Students will need teaching skills that guide  their learning according to their own interests, preferences, learning speed and learning methods. It is even foreseen that virtual mentoring applications based on artificial intelligence and data analysis will be integrated into the system.

7- Modular and Project-Based Training: Project-based trainings that support collaboration and teamwork to provide students with the skills to solve real-world problems should be given in a modular structure that is designed with a skill focus.

8- Distance Education: With the increase in Internet speed and quality, distance education will be provided through web interfaces and access systems where there is open access to all courses and courses, allowing students to learn according to their own learning speed and styles.

9- Blended Learning Approach: Students will be able to realize flexible learning in and out of the classroom with the education program and tools that are shaped according to their own preferences.

10- Evaluation Instead of Examination: Students’ knowledge will be measured to cover the whole teaching process and their ability to apply this information in the field and in case of problems will be evaluated with the performance of the projects they work on.Instead of exam,evaluation will be on the agenda.


We can define the skills that reveal the individual profile in accordance with the education 4.0 understanding with the following headings.

  • Global Citizenship
  • Lidership
  • Creativity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Problem Solving Capability
  • Critical and analytical thinking skills
  • Career Development
  • Financial literacy
  • Digital literacy
  • Cooperation
  • Effective communication
  • Emotional Intelligence



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