Bu kurs yakın gelecekte eğitim ve öğretim alanında kullanıyor olacak Teknoloji entegreli yöntem, metot ve digital uygulamalar hakkında sizleri bilgilendirmek, ilham vermek ve geleceğin eğitim anlayışındaki yenilikleri ve teknolojik trendleri ve uygulamaları hakkında bir farkındalık oluşturmak amacı ile eTwinning Ulusal Destek Servisi Üyesi ve İçerik Geliştirme Ekibi Sorumlusu Ertan Kocabaş Koordinatörlüğünde oluşturulmuştur.
In this course, participants will have conceptual knowledge about project-based learning (PBL) and learn the steps to apply in project planning, implementation and evaluation processes, and methods and tools that can be used to manage them. The duration of the course is 3 hours, with video lectures, quizzes and additional work.
BBC micro:bit, yazılım ve donanımın birlikte nasıl çalıştığını tanımanızı sağlayan cep boyutunda bir bilgisayardır. LED ışıklı ekranı, butonları, sensörleri bulunan, programlayabileceğiniz ve fiziksel olarak etkileşime girebileceğiniz birçok giriş/çıkış özelliğine sahiptir. Bu kursta micro:bit kartın genel kullanımı ile farklı proje örneklerine yer verilerek, hem kart üzerinde bulunan sensörlerin kullanımı, hem de harici bileşenler eklenerek devre kurulumu ve kodları […]
eTwinning School Label; It is a practice that has started to upgrade the influence of eTwinning practices on school policies and the chances of these practices being taken into account, to recognize and appreciate the collaborative and self-sacrificing works of eTwinners, teacher teams and school leaders in the same school. By eTwinning school Label […]
As the flaky snow was falling outside, all the students in the classroom sat in their seats, quietly listening to their teacher, Mrs. Green. In this heartwarming reading activity, many things were not what they looked at from the outside. One of the children was madly curious about the pictures in the book the teacher […]
There are numerous ways to discuss and use media literacy in the classroom, ranging from websites to extensions to games. From single lessons to longer units, I usually begin with a game that serves as a starting point into the inquiry. Using games in the classroom provides rich simulations for students to learn content and […]
Is your eTwinning project led by a team at your school? Do you work with other teachers and share creative eTwinning ideas? Do you want to build teams? Please, join our online course and have some ideas. Estimated training time: 1-2 hours
Our course includes basic knowledge about Arduino, recognition of sensors and shields, recognition of Arduino IDE and MBlock programs, and a few Arduino applications that will form the basis with simple coding examples. The Arduino UNO Starter Kit is required to complete our course as it is a practical training.In addition, basic computer and internet […]
Course Overview: This course is for teachers who has just started the eTwinning projects. This course contains basic information about eTwinning such as: What is eTwinning? What is an eTwinning project? What are the labels in eTwinning? and etc. In addition to these basic titles, it contains important clues for personal development.
ZOOM is a free video conference program that can record by combining the camera image with document and screen sharing. ZOOM; Offers video, audio and screen sharing experience on phones, tablets, etc. devices and platforms. Membership to the Zoom Meeting system is free. You can sign up immediately with any of your e-mail (Google / […]